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Top 3 Best FiveM Servers In 2023| FiveM Store

best FiveM servers
best FiveM servers

Although GTA V was released more than 9 years ago, it remains one of the best games out there today. With more than 170 million units sold over the past years, there’s no denying that GTA V is one of the top-selling games of all time. If you’re familiar with role-playing (RP), you’ll agree that it has now become more popular for GTA V. Well, Grand Theft auto role-playing started a few years ago with what is known as the FiveM mods. The best FiveM servers allow players to play any players of their choice instead of just sticking to the main characters.


If you’re new to FiveM and would like to try it out, you’ll find the list of the top 3 best FiveM servers as you continue reading this post.



What is FiveM and why should you play with GTA RP?

As earlier mentioned, FiveM is a popular game mod for Grand Theft Auto V. By installing this mod, you’ll be able to load scripts and other resources easily and automatically. With FiveM, you can easily connect with the best FiveM servers and enjoy the different unique communities that each server has to offer.


One good reason why it makes sense to play with GTA RP is that it helps to remove the restrictions you have to only play with certain characters. With the best Fivem server list, you can always play with a variety of characters. Yes, you can decide to play as a criminal, police, business mogul, or anything that you have in mind.

Top 7 best FiveM servers & how to get them?

To get the best out of GTA RP, you need to choose the best servers. Below are a few top FiveM servers you can consider buying to further enjoy your GTA V:

1.   Zombie Mode Server V4

This Zombie Mode Server V4 is currently one of the best FiveM servers you can think of downloading. This server won’t only allow you to add more zombies. In addition, it also comes with many survival elements. With tons of gameplay elements that come with this server, there’s no denying that you’ll get the best of your GTA V.

best FiveM servers

best FiveM servers

2.   ESX RolePlay Server V25

If you’re just starting with FiveM and have little or no experience in configuring an RP server, this ESX RolePlay Server V25 is certainly for you. With this product, you won’t have to worry unnecessarily about how to introduce vehicles, frameworks, and other important resources to your server. That’s so because it comes pre-installed with all important resources. All you need is to get started with your role-play session without stress.

3.   Gang Wars Mode Server V1

If you’re familiar with the gang and turf system of GTA San Andreas, then you certainly know how this server works. The Gang Wars Mode Server V1 is currently one of the best FiveM servers you can consider getting today. With these Fivemods, you’ll be able to control a gang with a name, as well as the members of your choice. With your preferred gang members, you can take over the city and fight other gangs.


Denise Cooper

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